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For Alaska Power & Telephone Company (AP&T).
Terms and conditions that apply to the use of an AP&T Internet service are set out below. Except as otherwise stated, these terms and conditions apply to every individual or entity subscribing to an AP&T Internet service. Hereafter, such an individual or entity will be referred to as an owner of an AP&T Internet service account. Use of an AP&T Internet service constitutes acceptance with these terms and conditions.
Right to Modify Reserved: These terms and conditions may be modified by AP&T at any time. A current copy will always be available on the aptalaska.com website. Continued usage of an AP&T Internet service account subsequent to any modification in these terms and conditions constitutes acceptance of the modification.
Services provided by AP&T may be used only for lawful purposes.
Transmission, distribution, posting or storage of any material in violation of any Federal, state or local law is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to transmission, distribution, posting or storage of:
Activity that in any way interferes with any person, entity or computer system accessible via the Internet, regardless of whether the interference is in violation of Federal, state or local law is strictly prohibited. Such activity would include, but not be limited to:
Unauthorized attempts to access or use the data or resources of another person, entity, host or network, including any attempt to probe another person, entity, host or network, or to breach the security of a system belonging to another person, entity, host or network.
Interference with any person, entity, host or network, including but not limited to, Denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), Man-in-the-middle (MitM), phishing and spear phishing, SQL injection, Cross-site scripting (XSS), Malware, or any other deliberate attempt to adversely impact another person, entity, host or network.
Please note that the prohibition against use of an AP&T Internet service account to engage in unlawful activity is not limited to those activities described above, but applies to any and all unlawful activity. Any account found in violation of the provisions of this section can be immediately suspended.
Traffic from individual subscribers is not analyzed or characterized in any way. AP&T broadband subscribers are capable of utilizing their Internet connections in any lawful way they desire.
AP&T rate limits internet service speeds based on the purchased service tier. No other rate limiting or throttling is applied.
AP&T does not prioritize and particular type of internet traffic over another. For example, some companies will prioritize internet traffic due to affiliation and/or payment, AP&T does not.
Network congestion is monitored and managed by AP&T. Given the nature of the internet heavily utilized applications such as video streaming, congestion does occur at times. Since AP&T provides at best effort internet service, we do not impose any congestion management measures that would impact traffic during times that congestion occurs. AP&T actively manages network resources to reduce congestion including the application of usage limits and responding to the need for network growth when necessary.
AP&T does not inhibit or favor certain applications over others unless the customer requests this action. For example: AP&T offers a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Blocking feature where hosts utilizing an AP&T internet access subscriber account are blocked from accessing known Bit Torrent sites in order to help customers reduce exposure to violating US Copyright laws. The P2P Blocking feature is only enabled on an AP&T internet subscriber account upon request.
AP&T provides at best effort broadband service where speeds will be “up to” the subscribed speed, however we do our best to make sure our broadband customers are capable of reaching 80 percent or more of their subscribed speed. Broadband speeds can be tested at ookla.aptalaska.net.
AP&T broadband services are subject to the usage limits defined in our Broadband Pricing. After utilizing all included usage, AP&T will reduce the included bandwidth. Reduced speeds will vary based on selected tier. AP&T broadband subscribers are responsible for all users of the broadband service including utilization and excess usage. Broadband subscribers are responsible for monitoring broadband usage via the AP&T Customer Portal. Additional information can be reviewed in our Broadband Usage Guide.
The AP&T broadband subscriber shall bear all risks for AP&T broadband equipment, including the entire risk of loss, theft, damage or destruction of the equipment and all liability for the use, possession, operation, storage and condition of the equipment.
The use of non-authorized DSL broadband equipment is prohibited and could result in broadband service quality issues. Please see the Broadband Equipment page on the aptalaska.com website for more specific information regarding the broadband equipment used, fees and the service demarcation point.
AP&T internet subscribers are capable of attaching any devices to internal network Ethernet interfaces in any lawful way they desire.
The owner of an AP&T Internet service account is entitled to make use of email services through AP&T.
AP&T has provided spam and virus filtering options for email incoming to AP&T Internet service customers; however has no control over some spam and legitimate incoming email. AP&T reserves the right to delete any incoming email determined to be a threat to AP&T email subscribers.
Use of an AP&T Internet service account to send unsolicited email messages of any type, whether commercial or non-commercial, for profit or non-profit is strictly prohibited. Any account found in violation of the provisions of this section will be immediately suspended.
Additional information can be reviewed in our Email Settings support page.
Use at Your Own Risk. Access to all manner of information, files and programs is available on the Internet through use of an AP&T Internet service account. When accessing such resources, AP&T strongly recommends the use of common sense, the use of antivirus, anti-malware software, routing equipment capable of Network Address Translation (NAT) and an adequate firewall solution.
While the risk of harm may be small, risk does exist. AP&T cannot and does not attempt to guard account owners from any risk of harm associated with the use of information, files and/or programs retrieved from the Internet.
AP&T can only urge caution in the retrieval and/or use of any information, file or program from the Internet. AP&T explicitly disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information retrieved from the Internet, and further disclaims liability for any and all harm that might result from the use of any information, file or program retrieved from the Internet. Retrieval and/or use of any information, file or program from the Internet through the use of an AP&T Internet service account is at the sole risk of the owner of the account.
When using any Internet resource whether email, web page postings, chat groups, shopping, or other resources available on the Internet AP&T warns account owners to use caution in divulging personal information of any sort. Such information might include credit card information, telephone and/or address information, or account names and passwords (in general, account owners should never give out account name and password information).
AP&T explicitly disclaims any and all liability for loss or other damage of any type that is or might be incurred by the owner of an AP&T Internet service account as a result of divulging personal information. All such information is divulged, if at all, at the sole discretion and risk of the owner of the account.
Use of the words “owner” and “ownership” in these terms and conditions shall not be deemed to convey any property interest in the resources of AP&T, in the login name(s), the email address(s), or any other element of an AP&T Internet service account.
AP&T may at its discretion terminate an account at any time, with or without cause, and may thereafter re-issue the login name(s), email address(s) and any other element the account, and may do so in whatever fashion it deems best. Likewise, the owner of an account may terminate the account at any time, with or without cause, and in so doing gives up all right to use of the login name(s), email address(s) and/or every other element of the account.
Pricing for AP&T Internet service accounts is established separately from these terms and conditions. Failure of an owner of an AP&T Internet service account to pay for use of an AP&T Internet service in accordance with pricing established by AP&T shall result in immediate suspension of the account.
Invoices: AP&T shall invoice the customer for each month of service. The customer shall pay each invoice within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice. The customer shall pay interest at 2% per month or, at the maximum rate permitted by law, on all amounts not paid after such thirty (30) day period. Customers shall also pay all reasonable costs of collection, including attorney’s fees, incurred by AP&T in the collection of invoices that are not paid by the customer.
Disputes: In the event of a dispute on any portion of any invoice, the customer shall notify AP&T in writing of any disputed portion of the invoice within twenty (20) days of receipt of the disputed invoice. After receipt of the notice, the parties shall meet to resolve the disputed portion of the invoice within fifteen (15) days. If the parties fail to agree on a resolution within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the notice, then the customer shall pay the disputed portion under protest and proceed with all available legal and equitable remedies. The undisputed portion of the invoice shall be paid within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice.
AP&T collects information from our Internet subscribers or users as necessary for the purpose of providing and enhancing the Internet access service we provide. The information we collect will not be sold or distributed to any third party with the exception of law enforcement or emergency service providers, as required by law.
From time to time, the services offered by AP&T will be interrupted. Interruptions of service may occur for any number of reasons. Interruptions of service may occur in a given city or network wide in order for AP&T to perform maintenance tasks; such interruptions will generally be announced in advance of the interruption or scheduled. Interruptions may also occur for reasons completely beyond the control of AP&T. Additional information can be reviewed in our Proactive Maintenance support page.
Use of an AP&T Internet service account constitutes acknowledgment by the owner of the account that such interruptions will occur from time to time. Each owner of an AP&T Internet service account acknowledges and agrees that AP&T shall not be liable to the owner for any harm or loss arising from an interruption of service, regardless of the nature and extent of the harm or loss. Each owner of an AP&T Internet service account further acknowledges and agrees that responsibility for avoiding harm or loss arising from an interruption of service, regardless of the nature and extent of the harm or loss, is the responsibility of the owner, and not that of AP&T.
By way of example, access to on-line brokerage services via the Internet would be lost during an interruption of service. AP&T cannot and will not be responsible for such loss of access, regardless of whether the loss of access occurs as a result of an interruption of service by AP&T Internet service, or for any other reason. It is the responsibility of the owner of an AP&T Internet service account to plan in advance against the possibility of occasional loss of access to such services.
These terms and conditions supersede all previous terms and conditions, representations, understandings or agreements, whether verbal or written. No other terms and conditions, representations, understandings or agreements shall be in effect with regard to an AP&T Internet service account unless specifically adopted in a written agreement between AP&T and the owner of the account. To be effective, any such written agreement must include specific language indicating that the written agreement is in addition to the on-line terms and conditions, and that the written agreement shall control in the event of a conflict with the on-line terms and conditions.
Updated on April 28, 2020.
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