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APC | Seasonal Customer Notification

On December 15, 2017, the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (“RCA”) approved the Alaska Power Company (“APC”) Rate Case, which had been in the review process since October of 2016.

As part of the rate case referenced above, and in the interest of making sure that all customers pay their fair share of the costs for APC to provide service to customers throughout the year, the disconnect policy was revised.

Residential and Small Commercial seasonal customers must now make a choice between the following options:

1. Stay connected to service when they leave town and pay the standard $25.30 monthly Customer Charge.

2. Disconnect service while they are out of town with the understanding that if they reconnect to service within 10 months at the same location, they will be required to pay the reconnection charge plus the $25.30 monthly Customer Charge for each month that would have been due while they were disconnected.

Business seasonal customers on Schedules A-2 or higher must also choose one of the options above. If they disconnect and reconnect at the same location within 12 months, they will be required to pay the Reconnect Charge plus the Demand Charge and monthly Customer Charges for the disconnected months based on their current rate schedule. Your local office will be available to provide those costs to you.

The Regulatory Commission of Alaska must review and approve all rates and policies included in the Alaska Power Company Tariff book. Alaska Power Company is required to bill all rates and follow all procedures approved by the Commission.